Bookcity 2023 | Mediterranean. Interfaces of cultures

Conversations on the occasion of Bookcity



On the occasion of BookCity Milano 2023, the Fondazione Luigi Rovati is organizing Mediterraneo. Interfaces of Cultures, a series of four meetings arising from as many editorial publications.

Led by Maurizio Harari, the conversations offer wide-ranging reflections, while revolving around the common theme of the Mediterranean as a fundamental and stable cultural network, a complex region, home to diverse peoples throughout history.

The appointments deal with the central role of antiquity in the modern and contemporary world. It is believed that there is a perpetual connection between past and present, highlighted through a continuity of language, imagery and forms of expression that comes to shape our identity in a rich and multifaceted way, as a polychromatic product sprung from diverse cultural influences.




Wednesday November 15

6.00 p.m.


Universal history of ruins. From the Origins to the Age of Enlightenment


Alain Schnapp, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne





Thursday November 16

6.00 p.m.


Ulysses' Dream. Human history of the Mediterranean from the Trojan War to the emergency of landings.


José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona





Friday November 17

6.00 p.m.




Vincenzo Bellelli, PACT Parco Archeologico di Cerveteri e Tarquinia





Saturday November 18

6.00 p.m.


In search of Tutankhamun


Christian Greco, Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino





The meetings are free and free admission, subject to availability. Reservation is recommended.

The conference ticket does not include access to the Art Museum.

All lectures will be available on the Fondazione's YouTube channel.