Populonia Summer School


Populonia (LI), area of ​​the Archaeological Park


The initiative, promoted in collaboration with the Fondazione Luigi Rovati, the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno and the Parchi Val di Cornia institute, offers theoretical lessons and practical exercises carried out on an excavation site in the area of ​​the archaeological park of Populonia.

The remains of the ancient Etruscan city are an outstanding place for their state of preservation in both archaeological and landscape terms. In this context, the participants, supervised by university teachers, professionals in the field and tutors, are introduced to stratigraphic excavation methods, experimenting with the practical techniques and tools essential to archaeological investigation, with a view to acquiring a good level of independence in the various operations performed in the field.

The support for this initiative is part of the projects launched by the Fondazione Luigi Rovati to promote research and training also in the archaeological field


Populonia Archeological Field School 2018 Brochure

Populonia Archaeological Field School 2018 Locandina

Populonia Summer School locandina

Populonia Summer School brochure