The Foundation


Fondazione Luigi Rovati is a tangible and intangible infrastructure of the knowledge society.


It carries out processes and activities in various areas of cultural endeavour, in order to generate knowledge, creativity and benefits of social utility.

It operates in a number of fields, from archaeology to art history, also experimenting with artistic expression as a system of care under the new approach to welfare. It produces events, exhibitions, encounters and exchanges in multiple disciplines. It develops activities of research and training.

It believes in culture’s beneficial economic and social impact.

It constructs its identity through a system of relations and connections with other subjects, both institutional and corporate, promoting its own projects, as well as joint efforts with others.

It expresses its values through ongoing relations with a variety of target groups: experts, students and young people, schools, tourists and the general public, families and children. It cultivates relations to create benefits of social utility; in dealing with different communities, it favours interactions and circular exchanges of information.


Check the Statute



Honorary Chairman

Lucio Rovati



Giovanna Forlanelli



Lucio Rovati (Honorary Chairman), Giovanna Forlanelli  (Chairman), Anne Boulanger, Monica De Paoli, Lucrezia Rovati, Sofia Elena Rovati, Andrea Silvestri



Marco Bracchetti, Roberto Bracchetti, Carmelo Cartiere

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee sets the guidelines for the Foundation’s activities.



Giovanna Forlanelli



Salvatore Settis, Archaeologist and Art Historian



Mario Abis, Sociologist

Martina Corgnati, Art Historian

Giuseppe Sassatelli, Archaeologist and Etruscologist

Annalisa Zanni, Art Historian




Monica Loffredo Email


Giulio Paolucci Email

Project Manager

Daniele Manfrè Email


Stefano Casu, Elena Belgiovine, Giovanni Colzani, Martina Borsani  Email


Benedikte Vefling Email

Communication & Press

Benedetta Marchesi, Nadia Rusconi, Claudia Ratti, Matteo Abis Email

Membership & Events  

Matilde Pelucchi, Marco Barbieri, Laura Vola Email

Special Projects for Visitors

Mauro Ceolin, Angela Paolucci Email

Ticketing & Reservations

Federica Mangiarotti, Adele Destro Email

Executive Secretary

Aurora Cappello Email


Francesca Gualtieri  Email

Publishing & Special Projects

Museum Shop

Johan & Levi editore Email

Technical Office

Piergiuseppe Fontana, Mirko Galli, Daniele Ferrini  Email

Executive Assistant

Raphaële Sevrain


Elena Iannazzone Email